Now that I've given these two little ladies away, I thought I'd share with you all what I worked on before our trip up to Canada. Landon's brother's family had a new baby girl and we also have good friends that will be having their first girl at the end of this year. I was super excited to go shopping in all the cute baby stores and Landon had to end up refraining me from buying everything there... seriously all those cute stylish baby clothes melt my heart!
We ended up with an outfit for each girl and I still felt like I needed to add in something a little more special. So two nights before we left my crafty sister suggested some ideas and I decided to sew these dolls up! I had so much fun making them and they kept me busy until the very last second we left. I became a bit attached and secretly named them Vera & Candy. Vera is the green armed gal and Candy is the pretty one in pink.
those are adorable!!! i'm so impressed. I want one or two for my classroom.
Those are so so cute! As soon as I saw them I thought "where can I order those from?" Those are perfect little extra baby gifts! You are talented!
Absolutely adorable! You could totally make those and sell them! I'd be a customer... all the way from South Africa ;-)
Much love, Bailey from Vanilla Blonde
that is some serious cuteness! gosh. so inspiring!
my SIL is having a baby in a couple months and i am DY.ing to buy and make cute things for little baby!! ahhh! ! so fun!
SO cute sis! I never saw them when you were done! love!
So cute! I want one, and I don't have any kids! you are amazing!
SOOO stinking cute!!!! LOVE THEM!! and the names :)
I'm so glad you posted them since I didn't get to see the completed dolls before you left! They are darling! I'm sure they'll be loved for a long time!
Baby shopping?! In London?! Jeals.....And these dolls are so sweet! You are supa talented.
AHHH! Those dolls are darling!
those dolls are so cute! you should sell them on etsy.. seriously.
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