4 Months Juni!
I'm trying to catch up on these updates!
| November 18th |
This girl's personality gets bigger and bigger each month.
She's always smiling and laughing at everything I do,
she's the best little side kick I can ask for.
• She loves rolling from back to belly and belly to back, she started doing this at 3 months but since then has mastered it.
• She started grabbing for toys and objects around her
• Her favorite song is The Wheels on the Bus, whenever she's crying that's my go to song and she'll stop crying, silly girl.
• She is still sleeping with me and pretty much sleeps through the entire night
• She wants to be included in on everything, as long as she can watch what we are doing she is happy.
• She still is good during mommy's photo shoots, she loves to watch people and won't make a peep the entire time.
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