We grilled and had a lunch of finger foods. It's a double bonus because it's super fun to eat and super easy to clean up! That night we also
went to Landon's Madagascar reunion from his mission; it was the first time I really got to hear Landon speak Malagasy consistently/fluently
and I loved it! I wish I could learn it so we can have a secret lil love language because probably 90% of people have never even heard it!
Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen, so instead I will just listen to my dreamy husband whisper it in my ear. ;)
Also, life has been good, City & Colour's new album came out!
I've appreciated it lately because it helps me forget about all this sweat on my back and the lack of air conditioning we have.
Take a little listen if you haven't already!
Happy Summer! I've been reading your blog for a while and decided to become your newest public follower today! I love your photography and view on life! Keep up the great posts!
Wow that looks delicious and those pics are amazing as always!!
Yea for summer!! I LOVE all your photos, they are so simple and perfect:)
My mouth is watering!! Looks so yummy!! Nice pictures of Landon too!!
nothing like good corn on the cob...and smores!
beautiful pictures
xox emily
you forgot to say that you bought those glasses for me :)
love you babe
What a wonderful Sunday! Grilling out just screams summer to me. You have such a great eye for the simple things! Excelent photos as usual! Happy July!
Hope the summer heat is cooling down for you. love the pics!
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