+ home!


we are back! we are home! and we are NOT ready for school....

so let me tell you how my first day of my last semester of college went today:

1.woke up at 8:06AM
2. realized my class started at 8:00AM
3. frantically threw on clothes, dabbed on make-up, ate breakfast, gave kisses to landon
4. out the door by 8:30AM
5. walked home from class at 9:00AM

so for those of you who know me... know that I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON!!
landon made a joke last night "make sure your alarm is set!" after i had just set it.
and i still do not know why it didn't go off, so frustrating sometimes. but thankfully
it was an art class and i have had the same teacher for 2 other classes previously.
he was not surprised when i walked in late and was just like "oh hey brittany".
no-big-surprise-that-you're-late-because-you're-always-late look on his face.
just kind of embarrassing for me when he dismisses class early thirty minutes after i JUST got there.
oh well, that's why i'm graduating this semester. right?

and until i have children, i'm taking photos of my husband on his 'first day' of school.
isn't he a cutie?!?!?!?!?! i hope our little boys look just like him.

okay so in addition to school i am still working on all my side art projects-orders!

- i have a few hundred photos to edit from our trip.
lots & lots of cute families and espcially cute babies.

- lots of charcoal portrait orders to finish. if you've emailed me about them,
i promise i will get back to you today! thanks for waiting!!

- this lovely blog of mine... i have to find time to keep up with life on here!
it's my personal journal and i want to make sure i keep up to date.
so i also have to edit our fun photos we took in california and post them up too,
mainly for myself, and of course for you lovely followers too! :)

- and lastly, work on my colored charcoal fashionista ladies. they are patiently
waiting for me to get working on them... they treat me so good, and keep me
sane through this all.

OKAY so thanks for letting me update you with everything in my life feels good to just write it all out!
and lastly:
let me share with you one of my favorite snacks to munch on while sitting for hours at the computer editing...

Lavasch Flatbread with Roasted Red Pepper Hummus & Cucumbers

these Lavasch crackers are SO good and my new favorite snack item.
i found super simple recipes to make these yourself,
and once i have time i will have to give it a try & then share with you! :)


Natalie Naomi said...

What wonderful photos!! What sort of lighting do you use? Do you have a studio set-up?

♥ CheChe said...

sorry to hear about your class! hummus is amazing. God made hummus and said it was good. You seem to have a lot going on workwise. praying it all goes by swiftly and painlessly.


Holly said...

sorry about the classes - at least your snack looks delicious! :)

Karrie said...

bahahah Lando looks sooo cute for his first day of school....

Randi Gardner said...

glad your back! hopefully you can get some time in for yourself. :)

Collections said...

mmmm I love humus this looks delicious.

Collections Shopbop Giveaway

dulci said...

yummy snack! what kind of camera do you use??


christine donee said...

love these. and that back-to-school photo is a total framer.

Miss A said...

Aww, sorry to hear about class! I've been having the same 'problem' these days. The alarm just doesn't go off! :P Hehe.
Good luck finishing all the work you have :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not a morning person at all, either. I try to get into work at 8.30, but generally I'm just making the 9.30 standup. And dude, really? Who schedules a class for 8am?! Thats so crazy!

Unknown said...

mmmm...that snack looks SO DELISH! I love the way you combine things! I get so much food inspiration from you girlie!

Nathan Williams said...

good luck with all the rolling projects - sounds like you have a lot on your hands!



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