1. The phrase or punctuation I overuse most is:
At the end of what I'm saying I say "you know what i mean?" to everything, in conversations. I
think at the end of a conversation I've had with my Mom yell at me in a kind motherly way
"YES BRITTANY I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN" so i've been working on not saying that as
much. :)
2. Today I am thankful for:
Landon of course, a home, & our blessings we've been over-poured with recently.
i feel so blessed.
3. My best friend is:
Well Landon is my best friend & my best girl friend is Karena.
I remember explaining it to her once on the elliptical.
4. A quirky thing about me is:
Most times late at night I'm straight up quirky. I'll talk so fast you can't understand, just say
things that don't really make sense, and constantly giggle. I'm glad Landon still loves me :)
5. This weekend I:
Will be finishing up charcoals, homemade pizza-date night with lando, church on Sunday AND
on monday we are going to the Body Exhibit in Idaho Falls on a little double date, I'm excited :)
6. Something that worries me is:
This is kinda hard, I try not to worry about the future because I know things will work out. But
during the entire winter I worry driving on the icy snowy roads. I'm from California and when
we slip one inch on the road I am grabbing the side of the door wide-eyed and stressed. It's bad,
thankfully we have 4-wheel drive and most likely you can find me driving in 4-wheel when it's
just barely snowing... just in case!
7. On my night stand you would find:
Well we don't have night stands but on the floor next to our bed you can find polaroids, water,
ear plugs, some chocolate, and anything else you will ever need. it's my junk stash pile.
I love this! Your photos are just beautiful, and I get worried on icy roads too..I'm from Vegas and when we go back to Fairbanks to visit husbands family I'm a MESS! I am definitely a new follower!
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