+ valentine's.day!


the house smelled of chocolate goodness & i was all full of love from landon,
the definition of valentine's day. for me at least ;)

yesterday was perfect and here's just a little of what went on:

i made landon's favorite cupcakes yesterday, my sister-in-law, katie,
made these last time in california and they were so amazing!
i was planning on making a vanilla bean frosting, but ran out of ingredients & time, oops.
milk is a DEFINITE when eating these cupcakes
oh wait!
there's a surprise in there! a cookie inside of a cupcake?! does it get any better than that?

when i went onto the computer yesterday landon had
left this cute note on illustrator...

i also baked up some heart shaped cookies with the left over dough.

i then strung little pieces of my heart all over. starting from the front door back to our bedroom where the dinner was awaiting...

we then enjoyed some delicious Thai food that gave us happy hearts & full bellies.
sorry no photos of the food... once landon came i put away my camera
and just left the night for him+me.
also, a great big thanks to my mother! she send us all the heart plates,
red kitchen towels, heart soap, and valentine's treats!


Megan Hollenback said...

wow yum i want to live at your house! hahaha. how romantic looks amazing :)

Emily said...

I think everyone will agree with me when I say that you should definitely post the recipe to those cup cakes. They look heavenly! Your hubby is one lucky guy.

Unknown said...

Those treats look amazing! My man LOVES chocolate chip cookies, so I know he will love those cupcakes. Oh, and those bowls are a-stinkin-dorable!

Wonderfully done!

kylie said...

oh my. goodness.

marta said...

you might be the cutest newlyweds ever. so lovely to play 'getting to know you'. i was an art student once and still use that giant clipboard and so does my toddler. hooray for art.


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