+ as.of.lately...


so as of lately in the wood residence........

we installed our huge chandelier ball and landon did quite the perfect and wonderful job with all the wiring and electricity! my mother has been wanting to see photos of our place decorated and finished, BUT it isn't decorated or finished yet!! with school we haven't found the time, but i'm taking next semester off and the home will be finished in no time!


we have been enjoying our new electronics in the house.
we recently got a 27" iMAC,

Landon's family started our wedding off with a BANG and got us an iPad!!! we have been playing fun apps and enjoying it so much. we used to take turns on it, but now that i have the iMac i think we are doing just fine :) Thank you again!
and one gift that i am most happy and teary-eyed about is this kitchen aid!
so i grew up watching martha stewart... i loved her shows and the things she made...not her... and i've always dreamed of getting a fancy kitchen aid. well my aunt jane & uncle chris got us one and finished off wedding with another BANG! Thank you so so much!

can't wait to make some banana bread in it tomorrow!!

and SNEAKY sneaky landon just thinks he is so silly and funny.........
the day we arrived in rexburg, we were cleaning and unpacking non-stop!
well landon secretly put this huge cookie tray sticker on my back, took sneaky photos, and let me walk in walmart with it!! props to him, one of the many hundreds of reasons why i love him.




Emily said...

LOL Britt, I cannot stop laughing that you went to walmart with that on your back! Watch out or you'll end up on peopleofwalmart.com! (check it out)

gunnells said...

ahaha...that is so funny!! I love his sneaky pictures he took. That is great! Looks like you two are settling in, and I noticed your cute Christmas Tree is up :)

Emily said...

LOL!! Did anyone tell you at the store? That's pretty funny! I feel the same about Martha. I love the stuff her team puts together!

Megan Hollenback said...

hahahaha. man you guys got hooked up, nice!


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