

As I was shopping in our local grocery shop I was instantly stopped by these interesting little brown things. Was it a Tomato, a Tomàto, no it was a Kulato!  I had to buy a few because of their rich color and my curiosity of course.  After a bit of research I learned that they are Mediterranean tomatoes, originated from Spain, are sweeter than regular tomatoes because of their high fructose content,  and have longer shelf life, which is always a plus!  I think I like them better than regular tomatoes and they well-accented my New Orlean's Gumbo... which was also a first time thing for me... I figured now that I'm in the south I better live it up to the fullest!  In the end, my lunch was quite exciting and I'm looking forward to leftovers tomorrow! :)


Unknown said...

So glad I stopped by today! It's been to long! Love your beautiful and creative life and those lush looking delish things look amazing!

Emily said...

make sure you find some grits, too!! ;)


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