My Website!


My website is up and ready for viewing!  I've been wanting to get this done since I graduated, but with month long traveling, millions of photos to edit, and things to be drawn it got put on the back burner.  But now I'm finally finished and it feels good!
Go take a look:


sasha said...

oh, my!! i'm dying over your new website, britt!

love love looooove. everything!
especially how you scroll the images to the side. but you're menu bar is translucent and fixed.

gosh, i'm so jealous of the outcome!

Leanna said...

It looks fantastic!!! You should feel so proud miss Britt! Congrats!!!

Jane said...

congratulations!!!! it looks fantastic. great work.

Aaron & Ashley said...

Yea, i love it:) It looks so awesome, well done!!

bridgette said...

you're site looks awesome!

The Thomas' said...

Your website is so impressive!!! it looks lovely

Unknown said...

it looks great girl!

Anonymous said...

It looks great! :)

Tiago Couto

Anonymous said...

You've done a wonderful job making your website. I love the photos, especially the illustrations. I suddenly had this urge to continue my website project, which has been stuck in the planning stage for quite some time.

Lawrence Spring


im in love with the website brittany! Well done!


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