Yesterday was a great day because:

  1. Feist's new CD was released, take a listen here
  2. Landon and I spent all day outside of the house... recently we've been too busy to even take a walk outside.
  3. I got to take my little niece to dance class and was a proud auntie, she's a natural ballerina!
  4. I am one day away from finishing my website... so excited to share it with you all
  5. And you're probably wondering why I posted these fish? Well we enjoyed a delicious fish dish last night for dinner- caught fresh by my brother-in-law from his week long camping trip


Swirls of Happy said...

That looks delcious and I am going to listen to Fiests new album right now!!

janis said...

Ahh! Those fish look so beautiful! (A weird thing to say, but they do!)

And thanks for the link! I knew the album was coming out at some point, but i didn't know when!

Cherisse said...

The photos are beautiful!


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