+ crazy.mode


when landon leaves school with a clean and put together house, and returns with it looking like this..


he says i'm in the crazy mode, knows i'm in the crazy mode, and lets me be.
landon obviously made this phrase up, but the crazy mode is when i have 10 projects going at the same time.
something baking, something i'm photographing, a charcoal in the process, a few books started and gluing, cupboards open, fridge left open, eight 18"x24" pieces of paper all spread out as if the floor was a maze, and loud loud music.
i don't realize it, i go from one thing to another to another non-stop with my fire in my eyes.
he always laughs, lets me be, and laughs some more.
i love him.
and i'm grateful that he is always encouraging, supportive, and doesn't mind when my hair is a rat's nest, the floor is a mess, and when i'm in my own world. literally.

so in most of my free time now, i have charcoal on the floor, charcoal smeared on my face, black fingerprints, and lots and lots of drawings.
landon decided to do a portrait with me & to make it more fun...

and i think my husband is giving me a run for my money...
don't you?
i love this. simple lines and a confident drawing. this is going up on our wall. and i'm being serious!

so some new portraits are up on etsy & 1 new fashion girl & tons more to come!
here is my version of the portrait with landon.


and meet sandra. sandra can be dramatic at times, and it's obvious :)


kylie said...

you've got mad skillz

B&A said...

crap I love sandra! I want it!

gunnells said...

1 word.....AMAZING!!!

I love you my talented sister!

Megan Hollenback said...

u r way awesome and talented wow!

heidiluxe said...

WOW! your talent astounds me. i love the smokey look to everything. does that sounds weird and completely novice of me?

Brittany said...

thanks so much everybody!

Amanda@RelovedRubbish said...

I love your art! I just stopped by your etsy shop and saw that you have sales already! Congratulations!

Brittany said...

thanks amanda!!


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