Juniper is 2!


Since before I've had kids I've always had the idea of doing a little interview of them every year to remember their favorite things at that age and here's Juniper's first favorite things at age 2!  I didn't know what she was going to answer with so it was fun to hear her answers and it was especially funny to hear that her favorite animal and toy was a horse when she doesn't even play with one, I have no clue where she got that.
She's at such a fun age and I love having little conversations with her.  She's such a smart little girl and has grown so much in the last year.
A few more things to I want to remember at this age are:

- She is pretty much potty trained, this last week she has gone #2 every day which was initially the hardest thing to work on with her
- She can count to 20, and speaks full sentences to me now.  She comes up to me all the time and says, "Mommy, what are you doing here?" with whatever I'm doing.
- She absolutely loves snuggling in our bed.  That is the high to her day, she's a completely giggly mess and gets so happy when both Landon and I snuggle her under the covers.  She requests it pretty much 5 times a day.
- She is ready to be a big sister.  I feel like she fully understands, she will kiss my belly and say "baby sister" and she calls herself big sister all the time.
- Her favorite meal is salmon and potatoes, she eats an insane amount of it and tempts me to make it for her every night because of how well she eats.  I've been secretly mashing in white carrots into her potatoes so she gets it all :)
- She loves loves her daddy and when he's home she's a crazier happier self, just like her mommy



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