Cross Country Road Trip - 1st Stop: Antelope Canyon


Growing up I remember seeing images from Antelope Canyon and now as a photographer I really wanted to go to experience it and take photos.  After our sunrise hike, we went to our scheduled tour. We went on the regular upper canyon tour, they offer photographer tours but with that everyone is required a dSLR and no kids, and I was already kinda pushing it with our time so we went for the normal tour... which ended up being a rushed run through with crowds of people in every nook and cranny.  Literally we had like 1 minute to photograph each spot, there were people everywhere with their phones,  and our tour guide was literally pushing up through after 30 seconds of getting to a new spot.  Definitely annoying as a photographer but nonetheless it was still a great experience and so beautiful.  For advice, I heard that the lower canyon tour wasn't as  rushed so that might be fun to do another time.

Juniper's under-bite frown = teething unhappy baby
Next up, Moab!



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