Pumpkin Patch Round II


Our second visit to the Barden's Orchard was a hit once again.  It was Juniper's 1st time on a swing (sad I know right?) and she LOVED it.  She barely fit in it making me realize how big my baby is getting.  She laughed non stop and loved it the entire time. 

I am the activity days leader for our church so every Tuesday I drive out 20 minutes to our building and do a craft with the girls in my ward.  Before daylight savings, I would drive out an hour early and find something to do with Juniper near my building. This time I decided to get more apple cider at the orchard since it's close to our church and to let her run around the pumpkins again. As you can tell in these photos, she was pretty happy about it. I love having a little adventure buddy with me 24/7.  When I was in college in Idaho I would always drive out 30 minutes down a new road alone and take photos or enjoy the scenes and now I love having a little ball of happy energy to enjoy these  new adventures with.  
Click for more photos!

Jumping off the giant pumpkin that's taller than her!
Love this color green! I bought 4 of these this year for our table!

Always up to something mischievous!



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