A Step Back in Time - Barcelona


While we traveled through Europe we stayed at airBnBs, if you don't know what that is... you stay at local's homes and rent a room for the night.  Our first airBnB was the nicest Italian man.  He offered to show us around our first night there in Barcelona and we went bar hopping with him!...of course we just drank lots of fruit juice :)

This bar in particular was such a cool experience. Everything there was untouched from the 1800s; it literally was a step back in time.  The curtains were soiled, the dust was inches thick and the bottles were all dating back to the 1800s.  We would of never walked into this bar if our friend didn't show us this place. He also later took us to 2 other really old bars, one of them was Picasso's favorite and they had photos of him there.



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