A Portrait's Story


Indonesia, portrait, Brittany Wood
Indonesia, Brittany Wood
So let me tell you the story to these portraits.  As we were heading back from the Tegalalang Rice Terraces we realized we were low on gas. Finding gas in another country is more like Landon driving super slow and I frantically looking left to right, left to right searching for little glass petrol filled jars on the side of the road.  This gas-petrol stop in particular was my favorite out of all our travels.

Right when I took off my helmet and saw this little old lady sitting in the back, I instantly knew that I needed to get her portrait. So we started talking to her daughter and granddaughter and they shared with us that they were 3 generations and it was so great to really get to know their story. I took a picture of all 3 of them but this great grandmother was my favorite in particular.  She couldn't understand me, I couldn't understand her but we were able to connect. I tried to use my hands across my face saying she was beautiful and she returned to me the sweetest most sincere smile.
After that we made sure to stop by a couple more times to see them and talk.  These experiences are the reasons why I love to travel.


Landon Wood said...

This brings back so many memories, my favorite post of our trip so far :)

Sharon said...

That is just beautiful :)

Emily said...

I agree, she is beautiful!!

Unknown said...

Oh these are beautiful portraits!
I just love meeting and talking to people who strike me to take a photograph of them!
She is so cute!

Samantha Heather said...

Ah incredible!

kylie said...

shes a cutie

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