Another year has come and gone, we're one step closer to gray hair and wrinkles.  This past year has been full of things that will forever change our future.  We started the year off with our first apartment together, it was a quaint little place right across from the university... and for those who knew Rexburg, Idaho... this meant less time in the harsh cold! I was able to take the semester off to focus on my career path and started up my official business.  Never before had I sold my art for money and even though it was a scary proposition, I began my first little online shop.  Before I knew it I had 14 portraits to draw and now looking back I've completed 50+ portraits.  I still have so much to work on but taking that first step was the biggest thing for me.  During that time I also pursued my photography, I had the opportunity to do work for a fashion designer based out of Brooklyn and also got published in my first magazine.  Looking back, I know that the only way I accomplished everything was because of the support I had from Landon.   He was by my side every step of the way, encouraging and helping me at everything I did.
      A few months after all the excitement of my work, we graduated hand in hand with our Bachelors Degrees.  And in Landon's words, "The only way to leave Rexburg with a smile is to have a degree and a spouse." A week after our graduation, Landon took the MCAT and had his interview to receive his permanent residency.   After receiving good new back from the government that Landon was cleared for American residency we quickly packed our bags and decided to take a month long road trip to Canada.  We drove over 4,000 miles and 70+ hours up the west coast, across Canada, and back down through the states; we had a great time with family and friends.
      When we were back from traveling and finally settled we found ourselves here in southern California living with family.  Waiting to hear back from medical schools was a constant nail biter (even though I don't bite my nails).  Eventually we heard from almost all of them inviting Landon for interviews.  And before Christmas hit. Landon had attended 2 interviews at his 2 top pick schools and was accepted to both medical schools.  The weight was lifted and we now can rest easy knowing that we are going to spend the next 4 years in sunny California.  Beyond the best news of the year, we also both got jobs this year.  Landon got a job at Nike, even though it doesn't pay well, he enjoys it and we are now Nike advertisements.  I also got a job editing for EPLove photography and have found myself countless hours editing beautifully shot weddings... what a dream.
     Looking back, 2011 has been so good to us.  Amongst all the craziness, we got 2 cute nephews and 1 precious niece for us to spoil rotten!  We have felt truly blessed this past year and attribute all our blessings to our Heavenly Father.  We look forward to another year together, we know it's going to be face-melting and full of laughs.

Co-written by Landon (I'm sure you can tell which parts)


Becca said...

so excited to see where life takes you 2! What a year you have had! I hope your business only grows!!

Unknown said...

wow what an awesome year and two well accomplished people, dang. how is landon gonna work at nike while being in med school? how long is his residency while in school before the real work begins?

Kristine said...

what a year! sunny CA is the right place to be. cannot beat this weather!
a nike job is exciting. and same with getting into med school.
congrats on all your gigs too.


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