So I've been meaning to post this for awhile now but I'm so happy to have the opportunity to contribute to this new project starting up!!
Maybe most of you have already heard about this on LA Weekly or The Scout or probably more likely on Hearblack's site.
This new project is called KINFOLK, a guide for small gatherings. Nathan of Hearblack asked me a few some months ago if I would
contribute and I was beyond thrilled to work on a project with him + some of the most amazing artists out there.
Take a look at the new Promo Video here and count down the days until July 15th! [ 7 more days!]

PS- Go 'like' Kinfolk on Facebook and get all the updates!


Amanda Mae said...

whoa whoa whoa .. congrats! this is really exciting! I am recognizing so many of these names!!! what a fun group!

whitney johnson said...

really looking forward to this! :)

Ryan & Courtney said...

this is soo cool britt, i'm happy for you!!!

ATTrio said...

Very Cool Brittany!

Rhianna Wells said...

I've been so excited for Kinfolk! Congrats on contributing -- some of my favorite bloggers are all there!


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