Happy Birthday my little Brady Boy!! Brayden is my cutie nephew who just turned 2 today!! I wish I could be there for his birthday.
He is such a little active boy who wants to be outside 24/7, loves water, and loves getting bruises too. While I was in California
I took a nap with Brady and I could not believe how many scrapes and bruises he had on his legs, I counted at least 20! I took
photos of course because he was just a precious sleepyhead. I love you Brady! I can't wait to have little boys of my own, stressing
about them falling and scraping their knee until I finally realize that they are little boys and that's what little boys do best.


Unknown said...

What a little cutie! I love the photos with his scrapes. Little boys always have scrapes from their adventures! Happy birthday to him!

Jenn said...

So CUTE! LOVE it! Thats my baby boy! I cant believe he is 2 already! And YES he is a total boy and so adventurous!


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