i miss me my bebes.
so fun loving, so free,
why can't i just go play outside in my pajamas all morning long?
i honestly can't wait until we are all through with school,
then my days can be spent with these two and make my world a happier one.
and for a side note...
brady boy is not even 2 yet... and he is practically the same height as savi, who is almost 3!
i say he will be a famous basketball player or professional model someday.
and i'm allowed to think that because i'm his proud auntie :)

and for another very enjoyable thing today is a lil preview to City & Colour's new album...
it releases in June and Landon & i can't wait, we watched a little 15 minute video
on the making of it, so awesome! his buttery, emotional voice has got me.
go listen to it because that's what i'm doing all day today too.
so cute! this made me SMILE! thanks!
City and Colour is AMAZING!!! He is my ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!! I already pre-oredered his cd! love love love him.
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