let me tell you how my day has been so far...
8:50am - woke up... for class at 9:00am! yikes
threw on a jacket and checked online for my class and realized that a paper is due today!
i quickly read a 10 page article on personality theories for psychology and whipped out the paper.
9:22am - drove quickly to school and was in search for an open computer lab for thirty minutes!
9:50am - walked into class with my paper and listened to the professor for the last 10 minutes of class.
11:00am-1:30pm - studied for my huge psychology test
1:30pm - took the psychology test and failed!
2:20pm - went to the library and studied spanish for my next test i had to take
3:30pm - took the spanish test and it was nothing like i was expecting.
4:30pm - on to my next project for the day: create a ceramics piece influenced by a time period of architecture...that is due tomorrow i might add!
4:45pm - still no ideas and then realized i have to make a refreshment for FHE tonight! yikes
4:50pm - decided to give up and go home.
5:00pm - found this rose on my bed!

my day just got a lot better :)
such a kind little gesture because someone knew i was having a rough day.


Jenn said...

WOW! what a nice surprise!!

heather marie said...

who is it from??


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