yes i am still alive.
and yes i am back up in rexburg going to school.
i have been fairly busy unpacking and getting all of my classes figured out so blogging has been set on the back burner.
this semester consists of:
+digital photography
+psychology: personality
+spanish 102
+travel study of arts [hopefully]
psych and spanish will keep me busy in the library, photography will keep me busy outside in the negative degree weather and ceramics will just keep my hands dry and occupied. and i am currently trying to get into the travel class, one group is going to philadelphia or another is going to san fran. philly would be awesome, but san fran will be cheaper. im still waiting to see if i can add it.
also for a short update, the mexico meso-america tour i was planning on going to is no longer in my future. things have come up these past few weeks and i feel like it is a better decision for me not to go. since all my girlfriends will be going, it was super super hard to make a final decision to not go, but i feel like in the long run it will be a better decision for me.
I wish that just once I would have had that schedule. Sounds super fun!
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