there is a reason why this photo is upside down. My life has been crazy recently....

1. Brittany is a working woman...calling people all across America and getting rejections for four hours is not easy...well actually it's a big joke. working with my two roommates helps me get by.
2.Brittany is busy, busy, did I say busy with printmaking...I will post a photo of my final piece...soon
3.Brittany is overloaded with editing wedding photos...once I send them off to Cali. I will post the rest up and start photographing normal life again.
4.Brittany is needing to go grocery shopping. Silk Soymilk, Raisin Bran, and wheat bread is what my cupboard consists of, oh and those yummy valentine conversation hearts, yum. my fav.
5.Brittany is blasting The Arcade Fire, Elliot Smith, Cat Power and Iron & Wine in my ears right now. Love them.
6.Brittany is tired, but so happy with life right now.
ps. I have tried to post another B&K video 3 times already and it will not do it, so I've givin up on that.
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