Macro I


This past weekend my friend and I rented out a macro shown was huge. The photo teacher said that we had to use a tripod and a remote for the lens because it was so sensitive; even the touch of the shutter button could make the photo blurry. I didn't have a tripod or a remote so I just tried to use it manually, that's why the photos I posted aren't the clearest they can be. Every time I took a photo I held my breath...haha.
Anyways, I like the kinda "abstract" look to a photo, where you have to look at if for awhile to figure out what it is... so check them out!


Anonymous said...

Hey Britt! Rog here-You've got the eye for macro. I love checking your blog hoping for macro. That's a gnarley freakin lense, looks pretty sensitive. You did a great job. We just did a shoot of Katie D in old town we'll post soon, it turned out really well. I did a shoot at night on the blog, and we just got the Canon 100mm macro 2.8 we're pretty stoked about. We bought it for the macro and now I use it for standard stuff all the time. Did you know we changed our blog to Anyhow, Lyndzee and I want to take you to shoot a wedding with us. We'll let you know when our weddings are and you let us know when you'll be home or the other way around.

Anonymous said...

My favorite photographer told me some advice that I love. "Shoot something everyday! shoot! shoot! shoot!"
Anyway, take it easy.


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