

I felt like posting up something tonight so here are some way random photos from this semester so far.
Some new favorites of this semester are eating at this local Thai curry is my favorite. Every day I download a song, so that I have something new to listen to for that new favorite band is The Weepies, interesting name and it's fun to say. My roommate Kristyne and I have this new obsession for Charleston Chews, mini style. I had never had them before, but once you start eating one you can stop....I can get a huge box at Walmart for only $0.97! woo hoo
Oh my calling in church is Visiting Teaching Supervisor, so girls report to me and then I make a call to the Visiting Teaching Leader...which happens to be my roommate! It was a coincidence, she didn't call me to it, so we were both happy to be working together. We seem to be inseparable, which I don't mind one bit. Well it's 2:15am and church starts at 9 so I better be off to bed!
Little Baby Bear, our friends dog that visited for the night.

My side of the room, many alteration have already taken place.

I bought this awesome gold mirror at DI and put up other pictures.

My collage of fashion magazine ads that inspire :)

Kristyne and I at Millhollow eating their famous grilled cheese with tomatoes.

our fav. thing to get. only $1.25 and filling.

Our walk down to main street. A daily thing we do as best friends.

Kristyne and I with Baby Bear

A funny little creation


Anonymous said...

Very fine......


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