Ok, so I don't really keep up with this thing, I don't really see the need to other than my sister is always updating hers, and since I'm not married and I don't have kids, sometimes I feel out of place with this blog, but my sister got me started on it...
Anyways, since school has been out, I moved back down to California and enjoyed a month home. I was looking for jobs, attending job interviews, but since I will only be here till April, it isn't the easiest thing to do, so I have kind of given up on that. The Rexburg temple is being dedicated during the first week in February and I really wanted to go through the open house. So my father kindly bought me a one way ticket up to Idaho and I am now staying with him! My roommate,Kristyne, ironically lives 3 minutes away, so I have been having a lot of fun with her too during our break. We took a road trip up to Rexburg and were able to see visit our friends and most importantly go through the Rexburg temple! It is beautiful. While we were up in Rexburg, one morning the weather was -31 degrees!!!! Thankfully Kristyne and I got to sleep in and not have to experience walking to school in it.
On our up to the Rex, we were able to stop in Pocatello and stay with some of Kristyne's family. One freezing night in Pocatello, we bundled up in the warmest clothes possible and went 4 wheeling with a sled attached! It was one of the funnest things I've done up in Idaho.
While visiting in Boise, my father had suite tickets to the town's hockey game. I was able to take Kristyne and we had fun staying warm in the suite while watching the game. And I just got back tonight from the hot springs. A bunch of single adults gathered together.
Well I have been up in Idaho for about a week a now and I'm not sure when I'm coming home!!! I am really having a great time up here, spending time with my father and having some fun with my roommate; while I really miss home a lot too! I just found out today that I'm going to be an aunt to a baby girl!! I am so so excited! Katie is going to name her Savanna Belle.
Well that is an update of my life right now! Each day consists of going to bed at 3am, waking up at 12pm, playing the piano, working out, eating with my dad, and then hanging out with Kristyne! I know I am lucky for not having any real responsiblity right now, so I am surely not taking it for granted! I have been trying to catch up on the sleep I lost during school, and really just taking it easy until school starts up again! I love it!
WE MISS YOU BRITT! looks like you have had alot of fun though.
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