Last Saturday was full of circus food, lots of games and the cutest kids you've ever seen.  The day was filled with games for the little ones:  ring toss, face painting, bean bag toss, photo booth, and can knock-down!  I was in charge of the photo booth... obviously... and I have a lot of photos to go through but here are just a few to all my friends and family in the mean time.  The baby boys turned one and I can't believe how quickly time has flown by, I love my little nephew Austin!


Emily said...

I've kind of been stalking waiting for party pictures! LOL!! Oh, I'm dying over the one with both of them and their noses! I love how you capture details!

Bri Lamkin said...

oh my goodness, these pictures are great!

Jocee said...

the little cotton candies are the best idea ever! happy birthday to the cutest :))
-jocee <3

The Thomas' said...

seriously the cutest thing ever!

J Kozak said...

Your family goes all out! One thing is for sure, you guys know how to throw a real party! Wish we lived closer :)

kylie said...

it is safe to say this is the best kid party ever.


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