this past weekend i went down to salt lake city for my travel class of arts.
surprisingly i didn't take many photos but here are a few.
we went down to the actual salt lake and went to the man-made art form The Spiral Jetty.
we got the opportunity to go down into the church's art museum vault and see several artifacts and paintings that most public don't see. it was really cool experience.
we also went to several very tasty little restaurants and went to many different museums.
we also got the opportunity to go to an artist's studio. we went to cassandra barney's house and we got to see her studio and her husband's as well. i absolutely love her work and style and suggest checking out her blog. she was such an inspiration.
over all, the trip was a success and i enjoyed it. i went not knowing a soul but made the best of it and felt like it was a good experience.







Karrie said...

Brit I wanna go see the spiral jelly. I didnt know it was sooo sweet dude


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